Well Nourished Woman
Women who best fit with my work are living in a harried pace and know they need to slow down but are afraid they will lose what they really want if they don't keep going.
Even though they feel in their bones they are heading for a crash .
The crash carries a greater loss than the change of pace .
Creating a life you can sink into instead of always playing catch up or feeling behind.
To slow down without fomo taking over carrying you back to the life you're trying to escape.
You can live a life full of health, vitality, and deep nourishment.
You can live a life that feels good.
You can live a life that feels so good its unrelatable to anyone who believes we are meant to stay in and snuggle up with struggle.
You can live a life that moves because you have slowed down.
You can live a life that supports your natural pace.
You can live a life that makes no sense to anyone else yet you can breathe in it.
It's a calling to come into this work.
It's not for everyone. It's specific to you who realize that the way life has been set up doesn't fit you.
That the pace of life is not only unsustainable it isn't suited to experience all the living that is available.
You're done being
on autopilot
feeling numb
overwhelmed by a life you are grateful for yet can't get out of your mind the nagging feeling that you haven't really experienced your life.
This is not you being broken.
This is your beautiful body sending out her satellite call for you to return home.
A remembering of deep self tending.
The path is created from your own body.
It's not a 5 step process or a protocol based on your symptoms. It's the wisdom behind the symptoms that shows you where to go.
Asking questions of your symptoms.
Talking to your body.
Listening and acting on her requests.
Becoming aware of her and her needs.
Moving her to the top of your list.
Devoting yourself to her care.
This is not your typical Healthcare.
You aren't a check list.
You were never meant to fit in a box.
The Work

Well Nourished Woman
1:1 Programs
Self-care scratches the surface of burnout. It leaves you vulnerable to chronic exhaustion, auto-immune issues & anxiety. Reconnect to your body's natural wisdom so you can grow into next level abundance with EASE.
90 Minute OVA Session
Optimal Vitality Assessmen
OVA Map Session
Not ready or needing long term support? I got you covered. With my OVA session you get my eyes on your health to laser in on the top 2 areas of impact. Let's get you moving.