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It's Time

To Evolve Beyond the

Cycles of Burnout & Into

The Well Nourished Woman



Woman Walking with Blue Shoes


You feel trapped...


Today's women are busier and more overwhelmed than ever.  They are barely keeping their heads above water with family care, expanding careers, and doing their best to find a moment to breathe.


We're exhausted, burned out, on overdrive, holding onto life like a vice grip to keep the wheels turning and because we've been taught to be the strong ones, we are pushing past our bodies ability to stay healthy to keep everything afloat.


You've done every diet, meditation, movement challenge, cleanse, and detox known to man with short term benefits only to land back in the same patterns.  And you are ready to get off that ride.  It's time to not only recover your health, but to create the life you are longing for in the process.  


By supporting your hormones, adrenals, energy, cells, mind, body, and more.


...Welcome to Well Nourished Woman

I built Amy G Vitality after years of working in holistic nutrition.  What I found was food was just the tip of the iceberg.  What was really underneath the digestive issues, food fears, autoimmune conditions, hormone imbalances, adrenal fatigue, and diagnosis were women who were burned out and disconnected from themselves, the desires of their hearts, and how their bodies are designed to work. 


I am a Vitality Coach and Mentor and master in the art of integrating health in body, mind, and spirit. I began my path to wellness work through my own health journey after experiencing years of chronic health issues and burnout before learning how to heal myself. After my own observation and experimentation I realized she’d been living a half-life based on a pre-determined script and flipped my script to devote my energy to supporting women to reclaim their health and vitality for the Whole Woman. 


I conduct my business based in deeply rooted values for nourishment and self trust and guide women in learning how to come home to their bodies and care for themselves in unique ways to create deeply nourished lives. Through my services, women heal themselves and turn towards the path of building a deeply nourished life to become the best versions of themselves.

womens health

The basics are the foundation of everything that will transform your life and health.

They aren't boring they're the sexy magic you're looking for.

With the constant barrage of information and shiny new objects in the world of wellness and promises of quick fix health we can easily arrive at the crossroads of what is no longer working and where the hell do I go next.  And almost everything you learn is based on the body being wrong and on someone else knowing what you need better than you do.  


We're done with that story.  It doesn't work.  It keeps you stuck and looping in a laundry list of things you have to do perfect in order for your world to not stop in its tracks. 


This is not health it's symptom management.  


And it's the focus in modern medicine and often in our functional and natural medicine.  They are asking the question What can we fix?


We ask the question What about me needs to change?


This is where the power of the sexy basics enters.  And you may think you know food, movement, sleep, stress etc, but do you know your BODY and YOU in these areas?  Are you checking off the health checklist and wondering why you aren't moving the needle?  


Amy G Profile.jpg
  • Aug 6- Sept 3

  • Prework to establish focus

  • Weekly calls each Tuesday 11am cst include teaching and coaching

  • **Replays available**

  • Framework for Self Study

  • Private FB Group & Voxer Channel

  • Lifetime access to any additional Resources provided during the 30 days

I'm going to keep this short and sweet cause personally I really don't care for long sales pages I'd rather get to the point.


30 days You are the Study


Why?  Because the only way to know if this change is for you during this stage for your body during this stage in your life is to implement a change and observe how yourself and your life for more than 5 days.  


What does your body feel, what's the chatter in your mind, how does this fit in your current life or not, are you participating or going through the motions?  What challenges come up what obstacles show up?


What you will learn about yourself by narrowing your focus for 30 days will blow your mind.  Your body has soooo much to say.

You are the Study


$222 Early Bird

Till July 31st

$333 Full Price

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